M.Sc. Nils Schönfeld

Working area(s)

Chair organization


work +49 6151 16-24474

Work S1|02 146
Hochschulstraße 1
64289 Darmstadt

Since 06/2023 Technical University of Darmstadt
Research assistant at the faculity of Law and Economics, department of Marketing and Human Resource Management (Prof. Dr. Dr. Ruth Stock-Homburg)
10/2019 – 04/2023 Technical University of Darmstadt
Master's degree in Business Administration/Industrial Engineering – specialising in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
10/2014 – 10/2019 Technical University of Darmstadt
Bachelor's degree in Business Administration/Industrial Engineering – specialising in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
04/2016 – 07/2022 Technical University of Darmstadt
Student Assistant at the Chair of Business Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Peter Buxmann)
Since 09/2018 Involved as Entrepreneur in multiple businesses

Artificial Intelligence

By appointment